Class Phaeophyceae – key to the South Coast genera
1a. Thallus largely endophytic in bigger algae |
Streblonema |
1b. Thallus epilithic, epizoic or epiphytic, sometimes with an endophytic base |
2 |
2a. Thallus prostrate or crustose, without free erect parts |
3 |
2b. Thallus with free erect parts |
6 |
3a. Thallus prostrate, not strongly adherent to substratum, elevated by multicellular rhizoids |
Cutleria (Aglaozonia phase) |
3b. Thallus crustose, strongly adherent to substratum, with or without rhizoids |
4 |
4a. Unilocular sporangia borne laterally in clusters on free paraphyses |
Zeacarpa |
4b. Unilocular sporangia borne terminally , immersed in a solid layer of paraphyses |
5 |
5a. Anatomy of upward-curving filaments with no distinct cortical zone, unilocular sporangia sessile or on single-celled pedicel |
Ralfsia |
5b. Distinct cortex of vertical filaments above upward-curving medullary filaments, unilocular sporangia on pedicles of 3-6 cells |
Neoralfsia |
6a. Erect thallus consisting of uniseriate filaments |
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6b. Erect thallus of more complex morphology and anatomy |
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7a. Thallus of pseudoparenchymatous basal cushion bearing loose erect filaments, erect filaments uniseriate but plurilocular sporangia divided longitudinally (multiseriate) |
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7b. Thallus entirely uniseriate filamentous) |
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8a. Plurilocular sporangia terminal or lateral, never intercalary |
Elachista |
8b. Plurilocular sporangia intercalary or terminal and intercalary on same thallus |
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9a. Thallus tiny (to 0.5mm tall), basal cushion of well-developed medulla, cortex of upright assimilatory filaments |
Elachistiella |
9b. Thalli to 2.5 mm tall, basal disc of branched radial filaments bearing erect assimilatory filaments that are simple or branched basally |
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10a. Sporangia intercalary, sometimes divided longitudinally |
Bachelotia |
10b. Sporangia terminal or lateral, never intercalary |
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11a. Chloroplasts one or a few per cell, ribbon-shaped |
Ectocarpus |
11b. Chloroplasts discoid or stellate, several per cell |
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12a. Chloroplasts stellate, thallus comprising creeping basal filaments bearing erect filaments |
Asterocladon |
12b. Chloroplasts discoid, numerous |
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13a. Lateral branches inserted at almost right angles, sporangia with relatively large loculi (10-15 µm diameter) |
Acinetospora |
13b. Lateral branches inserted at relatively acute angles, sporangia with relatively small loculi (ca 5 µm diameter or less) |
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14a. Erect filaments profusely branched, meristematic zones at bases of each lateral, sporangia above and below meristems |
Hincksia |
14b. Erect filaments sparsely branched (near bases), meristematic zones at bases of erect filaments, sporangia borne near bases of filaments below meristems |
Feldmannia |
15a. Thallus a more or less globose mass, solid or hollow |
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15b. Thallus of a different shape |
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16a. Thallus clearly pseudoparenchymatous in structure |
Leathesia |
16b. Thallus parenchymatous in structure |
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17a. Thallus hollow, thin-walled (ca 6-7 cell layers) |
Colpomenia |
17b. thallus solid, thick-walled (at least 10 cell layers) |
Iyengaria |
18a. Thallus tubular, unbranched, like hollow skin |
Asperococcus |
18b. Thallus of a different shape |
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19a. Thallus forming tangles or tangled cushions of terete to slightly flattened, branched axes |
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19b. Thallus of a different shape |
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20a. Thallus solid, medulla of large cells, cortex of small pigmented cells |
Chnoospora (in part) |
20b. Thallus hollow |
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21a. Thallus very flaccid, forming loose tangles on estuarine vegetation, assimilatory filaments present on surfaces of apical branches |
Stilophora |
21b. Thallus forming fairly compact cushions, no assimilatory filaments present |
Rosenvingea |
22a. Thallus solid, branched, terete, up to 1 mm diameter and to 50 cm tall, with conspicuous terminal tufts of assimilatory filaments |
Carpomitra |
22b. Thallus without terminal tufts of assimilatory filaments |
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23a. Thallus without distinctly flattened parts of blades |
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23b. Thallus with either flattened axes or blades |
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24a. Ultimate branches clearly polysiphonous |
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24b. Ultimate branches not polysiphonous |
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25a. Branching regular, either opposite or alternate |
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25b. Branching more irregular |
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26a. Branching regularly opposite, pinnate |
Battersia |
26b. Branching regularly alternate, distichous |
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27a. Plants to 30 cm tall, main axes terete, ca. 1 m diameter, with uncorticated determinate laterals3-4 mm long in feather-like tufts |
Phloiocaulon |
27b. Plants to 3 cm tall, main axis ca. 100 µm diameter, whole thallus feather-like |
Halopteris (in part) |
28a. Plants (local species) rarely longer than 2 cm, lateral branches originating from sub-apical segments |
Sphacelaria |
28b. Plants to 10 cm or longer, lateral branches originating from lenticular cells cut off from the apical cell |
Halopteris (in part) |
29a. Thalli with a soft central core and mantle of free assimilatory filaments |
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29b. Plants solid, without free assimilatory filaments |
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30a. Axes 4-6 mm in diameter, central core rather loose |
Myriogloea |
30b. Axes 2-4 mm in diameter, central core fairly firm |
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31a. Thallus profusely branched in three orders, branches of third order fairly short (a few to 20 mm) |
Myriocladia |
31b. Thallus sparsely branched, branches arising near base |
Levringia |
32a. Main axes up to 0.5 mm thick, with many unbranched laterals |
Chordariopsis |
32b. Main axes 1mm thick or thicker, laterals not plentiful or crowded |
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33a. Axes and laterals up to ca. 1 cm thick, with leathery skin, mucilaginous core |
Splachnidium |
33b. Axes between 1 and 5 mm thick |
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34a. Axes 1-2 mm thick, fairly lax |
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34b. Axes more than 2 mm thick, tough |
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35a. Thalli up to 8 cm tall, terete to compressed, holdfast rhizoidal, fertile portions not visible to naked eye |
Chnoospora (in part) |
35b. Thalli up to 50 cm tall, fibrous, terete, holdfast conical, fertile thalli with obvious swollen receptacles in apical portions |
Cystophora |
36a. Holdfast branched, rhizomatous, axes fairly lax, to 2-3 mm diameter |
Brassicophycus |
36b. Holdfast conical, axes stiff, main axes to 5 mm diameter |
Bifurcariopsis |
37a. Plants consisting of short, simple blades, lanceolate to strap-shaped |
Petalonia |
37b. Plants with more complex external differentiation |
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38a. Plants (sub) dichotomously branched, fan shaped and variously cleft, or funnel-shaped |
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38b. Plants of a different branching type |
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39a. Plants with a broad apical meristematic zone |
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39b. Meristem of a single large apical cell or small apical region |
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40a. Fronds funnel-shaped, up to 2 cm diameter, with distinct concentric lines and whitish calcified upper layer |
Padina |
40b. Fronds (sub) dichotomously branched or fan-shaped |
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41a. Fronds strap-shaped, 2-5 mm wide and to 30 cm long, repeatedly branched |
Zonaria |
41b. Fronds fan-shaped, erect or decumbent |
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42a. Plants erect, to 30 cm tall, fronds broad fan-shaped, cleft, often with bluish iridescence, hair cells forming distinct concentric bands |
Stypopodium |
42b. Fronds a few to 6 cm long, lobed, fan-shaped, erect or decumbent |
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43a. Fronds without hair tufts, medulla of four cell layers, cortex of single cell layer on each surface |
Exallosorus |
43b. Fronds with hair-tufts in concentric zones, medulla a single layer of large cells, cortex of 2-4 cell layers on each surface, upper cortical cells forming visible longitudinal lines |
Lobophora |
44a. Plans with prominent midrib |
Dictyopteris |
44b. Plants without midrib |
Dictyota |
45a. Plants with holdfast of branched haptera and single stipe bearing large flat blade, sori visible as pale slightly raised areas |
Ecklonia |
45b. Plants with discoid/conical holdfast bearing one to several branched upright axes with many blades, reproductive structures (receptacles) on specialised branches |
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46a. Thalli strongly compressed in almost all parts, primary laterals in alternate, distichous arrangement imparting a zig-zag appearance to thallus |
Oerstedtia |
46b. Plants with branched upright axes bearing many flat leaf-like blades, flotation vesicles present |
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47a. Axes cylindrical or triangular in section, leaves a few to about 7 cm long |
Sargassum |
47b. Axes flattened in cross-section, leaves strap-shaped and to 20 cm long |
Anthophycus |
Citing this publication:
Anderson RJ, Stegenga H, Bolton JJ. 2016. Seaweeds of the South African South Coast.
World Wide Web electronic publication, University of Cape Town,; Accessed on 29 March 2025