Ulva (and Letterstedtia): foliaceous, flat membranous or cup-shaped or tubular, blade 2 cells thick when flat, one cell when tubular. Chloroplasts single, parietal, with one to several pyrenoids. |
Bryopsis: tubular, siphonous (no cross-walls), filamentous, main axes and short branches, gametes in unmodified branches. |
Cladophora and Willeella: uniseriate filamentous, multicellular, branched, axes free, erect, filaments at least 20 µm wide. Ten species on south coast (9 Cladophora and 1 Willeella). Willella has neatly pinnate (feather-like) branching. |
Chaetomorpha: filamentous, unbranched, only basal cell attached or sometimes in floating mats, filaments over 100 µm diameter. |
Rhizoclonium: multicellular filaments up to 60 µm diameter, forming loose mats, filaments sometimes with rhizoidal branches. |
Derbesia/ Halicystis: sporophytes siphonous, filamentous, sparsely branched, sporangia on double-walled pedicel. Halicystis stage ovoid/spherical. |
Caulerpa: siphonous, horizontal stolons with erect fronds of various shapes. |
Codium: thalli of utricles (inset) united into spongy structures of various shapes, gametangia lateral on utricles. |
Pseudocodium: thalli soft, branched, core of siphons with cortex of utricles, gametangia developing from medullary siphons. |
Halimeda: thalli jointed, calcified, branched, gametangia on surfaces of segments. |
Udotea: flat, stiffish (calcified) blades on stalks, thalli to ca 3cm tall, filamentous internal structure, blades with concentric growth lines. |
Chamaedoris: thallus brush-like, capitulum (head) of adherent siphons borne on unbranched stipe. |
Valonia: thallus of large (1-35 mm diameter) cells forming cushions a few to 20 cm in daimeter. |
Sporocladopsis: epiphytic, forming green to black velvety cushions on large algae. Comprising mat of multicellular filaments. |
Blidingia: pale green tubular thalli up to 5 cm tall, walls one cell thick, chloroplasts stellate with single central pyrenoid. |
Acrochaete: thallus microscopic, comprising unseriate filaments creeping in cell walls of larger algae. Cells with single parietal, reticulate chloroplast. |
Citing this publication:
Anderson RJ, Stegenga H, Bolton JJ. 2016. Seaweeds of the South African South Coast.
World Wide Web electronic publication, University of Cape Town, http://southafrseaweeds.uct.ac.za; Accessed on 29 March 2025